Donald A. Marchand


Academic Profile

Dr. Marchand is Professor of Strategy Execution and Information Management at IMD International, one of Europe's leading business schools, based in Lausanne, Switzerland. From 1997 to 2000 he was the director of the research project, Navigating Business Success that discovered the Information Orientation (IO) metric.

Dr. Marchand teaches how this new metric can be used to boost bottom line performance through effective information, people and IT capabilities in many of IMD's programs.

Other special interests include:

Managing information and knowledge to drive superior business performance

Demand/supply chain management

Strategic use and deployment of information systems and technology in companies operating in local, regional and global markets

Internet strategy for established companies.

Dr. Marchand was previously:

Dean and Professor of Information Management, Syracuse University, School of Information Studies, 1987 - 1994

Founder of the Institute for Information Management, Technology, and Policy in the University of South Carolina's College of Business Administration, and a professor in the school's Master's of International Business Program

Faculty Positions:

Professor, International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1, 1994-present.

Visiting Professor, International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne, Switzerland, July, 1990-June 30, 1994.

Dean and Full Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, July 1, 1987-
June 30, 1994.

Associate Professor, Department of Management Science, College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina, July 1, 1982-June 30, 1987.

Associate Professor, Department of Government and International Studies, University of South Carolina, August 1, 1980-June 30, 1982.

Assistant Professor, Department of Government and International Studies, University of South Carolina, 1976-1980.

Instructor, Department of Government and International Studies, University of South Carolina, 1975.


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